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Objectives & Policy

1. The Mission and Purpose Shall Be To:

  • Promote an informed public through political education and activity.

  • Increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government.

  • Foster loyalty to the Republican Party and promote its principles.

  • Support objectives and policies of the Republican National, State, County and Precinct committees.

  • Work for the election of Republican candidates.

2. Policy

  • To meet National Federation Standards, a Club must consist of ten or more women; pay dues and NFRW service charge; adopt Bylaws; and hold at least five meetings within a twelve month period.

  • It shall be the policy of the Club to refrain from supporting any candidate in a primary election contest. This applies only to the Club and not to individual members.

  • This Club will not officially endorse a split ticket or support or endorse a candidate running on an opposition ticket. This applies only to the Club and not to individual members.

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