Objectives & Policy
1. The Mission and Purpose Shall Be To:
Promote an informed public through political education and activity.
Increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government.
Foster loyalty to the Republican Party and promote its principles.
Support objectives and policies of the Republican National, State, County and Precinct committees.
Work for the election of Republican candidates.
2. Policy
To meet National Federation Standards, a Club must consist of ten or more women; pay dues and NFRW service charge; adopt Bylaws; and hold at least five meetings within a twelve month period.
It shall be the policy of the Club to refrain from supporting any candidate in a primary election contest. This applies only to the Club and not to individual members.
This Club will not officially endorse a split ticket or support or endorse a candidate running on an opposition ticket. This applies only to the Club and not to individual members.